


The Allurion Gastric Balloon Program : is offered In Canada, one of the major providers is Rapid Access Medical with a head office in Calgary, Alberta, and soon expand its coverage thru the rest of Canada we are now booking patients from other provinces. A swallowable Gastric Balloon has arrived in the prairies after key approval from Health Canada. The high-tech Gastric Balloon is a capsule that contains the deflated balloon, which you swallow as a pill before it is inflated. The balloon becomes the size of a grapefruit, which takes up space in your stomach, to make you feel full and then deflates itself after four months. It passes naturally through the digestive system. The procedure also reportedly doesn’t require anesthesia, endoscopy, or surgery to insert the balloon, drastically reducing the entry barriers for millions of potential patients. The new balloon is trying to improve weight-loss procedures available in Canada whe